Community Development Officer Ritha Peter Ngowi (50) yesterday joined the race to the State House to vie under the CCM ticket becoming the fifth woman to do so.
The development comes as three Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) cadres
returned their presidential nomination forms after securing the required
signatories among other conditions.
They included Minister for Works Dr Jonh Magufuli, Minister for
Agriculture, Food Security and Co-operatives Stephen Wassira and
Ambassador Ally Karume.
Dr Magufuli picked up his nomination form on June 5, two days after
the party opened the door for presidential candidates to collect the
forms and now just over a fortnight later he has completed the
requirements and returned it.
Dr Magufuli submitted his form to CCM Deputy Secretary General
(Mainland), Rajab Luhwavi at 10:10 am having secured the required 450
Speaking after submitting the form, Dr Magufuli said; “I traveled
to 23 constituencies across the country and I got sponsors from 15
He detailed that he got sponsors from Tabora, Geita , Mwanza , Kilimanjaro , Mtwara , Mara , Iringa , Pemba and Unguja.
Minister Steven Wasira returned his form at 1:47pm accompanied by
the Minister of Labour and Employment, Gaudentia Kabaka and Tarime
legislator (CCM), Nyambari Nyangwine.
The minister said; “I made efforts to travel the whole country to
assure the public that my health is good and now I am only waiting for
the presidential campaign to begin because I am in good health.”
For his part, Ambassador Karume said if nominated he will scrap all
taxes levied on ordinary people. He however declined to mention the
regions from which he got his signatory supporters. Notably, Ambassador
also joined the presidential race in 2000 in Zanzibar but later pulled
back leaving room for his brother Amani Abeid Karume, the current Isle
In 2005 and 2010 he again joined the race seeking for his party's
nomination for the presidency of the United Republic of Tanzania, but
was not appointed.
Ritha Ngowi (50), a resident of Kilimanjaro has become the fifth
woman to join the race and bringing the total of CCM who have so far
collected the forms to 39.
She said if nominated she will prepare a special camp for people with disabilities and provide them with vocational training.
Other women who have taken the Presidential nomination form are
Minister for Constitution and Legal Affairs, Dr Asha Rose Migiro who is a
former Deputy Minister of Finance and a former Deputy Secretary-General
of the United Nations, the Kilimanjaro Regional Commissioner Monica
Mbega, Ambassador Amina Salum Alli and Dr Mwele Malecela, the first
woman to hold the position of Director General of the National Institute
for Medical Research in Tanzania.
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